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How to keep healthy in summer?


Summer is a long-awaited season for many people. It is a period of vacations, fresh fruits and the sea. It seems that nothing can spoil this wonderful time. But summer brings with it not only bright memories, but also heat, which can be dangerous for the body. To make sure that the last summer month does not spoil your vacation, we tell you how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the sun.

What risks arise during the summer period:

When the temperature outside rises to 25°C and lasts longer than three days, even a healthy person begins to feel discomfort. Blood vessels dilate, blood flow increases and the heart works harder than usual. The body tries to adjust the temperature difference and “cool” the body, so sweating is activated. Together with sweat, water and salts are excreted.

These processes can provoke chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular. Because of this people can have increased blood pressure, headache and dizziness.
Faced with heat, the body becomes vulnerable. If it is weakened and can’t maintain thermoregulation, the work of all internal organs and systems is disturbed. This increases the risk of health-threatening conditions.

Heat exhaustion
It is accompanied by weakness, nausea, dizziness, fainting. Pulse rate increases and decreases, sometimes body temperature rises to 40°C. Heat exhaustion is usually considered a precursor to heat stroke.

This is a dangerous condition that requires emergency medical attention. Its difference from heat exhaustion is the “shutdown” of the brain. This triggers a cascade of biochemical reactions leading to cellular destruction and disruption of internal organs. Body temperature in heat stroke exceeds 40°C.

Cardiovascular complications
Such as ischemia, arrhythmia, blood pressure spikes and heart attack. These can occur even in young healthy people due to impaired adaptive function of the body.

Heat dilates blood vessels and speeds up blood circulation. The body, trying to compensate for these changes, increases sweating. If the fluid is not replenished, the water-salt balance is disturbed. This condition may be accompanied by blood clotting, which increases the risk of blood clots.

To take care of your health and fully enjoy the summer days, simple but effective recommendations will help.

1. Plan your day
If you can adjust your schedule, plan your day in advance so that going outside only happens during the inactive sun. It is best to leave the house before 11am and after 6pm.

2. Maintain water balance
As the body “cools” down, it sweats profusely, so it is important to compensate for fluid intake. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of water during the day. But you should not abuse water, as a lot ≠ better. Excessive consumption of fluid will lead to its retention in the body and the appearance of edema.

3. Revise your diet
During the heat wave, it is better to refuse coffee, strong tea and alcoholic beverages. From the diet should be removed salty food, smoked meats and pickles. These products contribute to dehydration.

4. Wearing the right clothes
In summer, it is especially important to give your skin a chance to breathe. Wear clothes made of natural fabrics such as cotton or linen. It is better to avoid synthetics for the entire heat wave, as well as dark clothes. Give preference to light-colored clothes that do not attract heat. When going outdoors, wear a cap or hat - your head should be protected from direct contact with the sun's rays.

5. Circulation of fresh air
Rooms should be regularly ventilated or cooled by air conditioning. But the decrease in temperature in the room should not be sharp, otherwise you can provoke an attack of angina pectoris. The transition from street temperature to comfortable values should be smooth.

6. Continuation of drug therapy
If you have a chronic condition and your doctor has prescribed long-term or continuous medications, you should take them year-round. Summer is no exception and a reason to stop therapy, even if you feel fine. This is especially important for people with cardiovascular pathologies, for example, hypertension. The body's response to drug withdrawal is often delayed.

7. Blood pressure monitoring
Measure your blood pressure (BP) regularly. It is convenient to do this with a blood pressure monitor. It is recommended to take the measurements at the same time, for example, after waking up and before going to bed. It is useful to monitor changes in BP after physical activity in the heat and prolonged exposure to the sun.

 B.Well can offer you a wide range of BPMs!

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