Home and Health
care solutions

Home and Health
care solutions

Home and Health
care solutions

Home and Health
care solutions



World Heart Day raises awareness of cardiovascular diseases, the prevention of coronary heart disease and strokes.

World Heart Day focuses on guiding people in all stages of life who are taking action now to live longer, better, heart-healthy lives. From professionals involved in cutting-edge cardiology research and heart healthcare to everyday people looking after themselves and their loved one's hearts.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death on the planet. It has many causes: from smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity, to air pollution, and rare and neglected conditions such as Chagas Disease and cardiac amyloidosis.

In the time of COVID-19, CVD patients are faced with a double-edged threat. Not only are they more at risk of developing severe forms of the virus, but they may also be afraid to seek ongoing care for their hearts.

This year World Heart Federation asking the world to:

Use Heart … for society, your loved ones and you!

Taking care of our hearts right now is more important than ever.

B.Well Swiss creates products that help people take care and protect the health of their loved ones and making millions of families happy. B.Well BP Monitors help to manage Blood Pressure and save heart’s health.

B.Well Swiss products guarantee perfect control of the entire family’s health; they protect and stand for care and concern.

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