Home and Health
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Home and Health
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Doctors are concerned that an increasing number of young people are seeking help having cardiovascular problems. Cardiologists are sounding the alarm as heart attacks and strokes are on the rise. Not measuring your blood pressure regularly can lead to very serious consequences: hypertensive crises, strokes, or heart attacks. Statistics show that one in ten ambulance calls are due to a stroke. To prevent having to call an ambulance, consider adding a blood pressure monitor to your first-aid kit at home. Find out how to have the most accurate measurements right now.

Symptoms of high blood pressure

Redness on face, dizziness, headache, sternal pain are the first symptoms of the blood pressure increase. Subsequently, we are pointing out the importance and necessity of blood pressure monitoring. Monitoring of blood pressure must be carried out by a high-quality blood pressure monitor in compliance with the rules of measurement. This can save you and the lives of your loved ones.

How should a blood pressure monitor be?

The most important characteristics of the blood pressure monitor are accuracy and convenience. After all, there are no specific professional skills needed for blood pressure monitoring at home. Do not risk your health by neglecting the symptoms. By buying a blood pressure monitor, you can look after your health and the health of your loved ones.

How does the blood pressure monitor function?

The blood pressure monitor consists of a device itself and a cuff. Air is distributed into the cuff, squeezing soft tissues, arteries, and veins. During the air deflation from the cuff, the blood begins to pulse again through the veins. The blood pressure monitor sensor detects the beginning of this pulsation where there are large arteries. The blood pressure that is detected with the cuff at the time of resumption of the pulse in the veins is called systolic pressure, the top number on your reading. Diastolic pressure is the pressure equal to the air pressure in the cuff when the blood pulsation through the veins is back to normal. It is the bottom number on your reading.

Best blood pressure monitor

Accuracy and easy handling are the main characteristics of a good blood pressure monitor. In the product range of B. Well there are blood pressure monitors that meet any need: compact semi-automatic PRO-30; simple and affordable PRO-33; PRO-35 for a family first-aid kit; modern wrist blood pressure monitor PRO-39; voice guided PRO-36. Importantly, B. Well blood pressure monitors are distinguished by Swiss measurement accuracy, comfort, and quality.

Owing to Intellect Classic technology, vessels are not subjected to excessive compression when measuring blood pressure. Pulse arrhythmia detection shows a violation of the heart rhythm, and a color scale indicates the level of measured pressure according to the classification of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH).

A high-quality, convenient, and reliable blood pressure monitor is indispensable. If you still do not have this necessary device in your home first-aid kit, we recommend you to purchase one at the nearest pharmacy.