Home and Health
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Home and Health
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Nowadays the significant part of the population has a deviation from the normal blood pressure indicators. There are cases among not only elderly but also middle-aged, young people and sometimes among children. Hypertension, or in other words high blood pressure, is a consequence of:

  • poor nutrition (including increased salt intake) and poor water balance,
  • sedentary lifestyle, insufficient sleep,
  • addiction to alcohol and coffee drinks,
  • stress,
  • internal diseases and hormonal disorders.

More often than not low blood pressure appears to be hereditary. However, there is so-called secondary hypotension that develops as a result of other diseases such as problems with the thyroid or kidneys, lack of fluid or salt in the body. Hence, regular measurement with a blood pressure monitor is a necessity for every person who looks after his health. 

Let’s go back in history. The first attempts to measure blood pressure were made only in the late 19th century. The most famous and widely used method of measuring pressure was introduced by N. Korotkov in 1905. His method involves putting a cuff on the upper arm, pumping air into it, and, finally, listening to the tones.

There are three basic types of blood pressure monitors:

Aneroid blood pressure kit

This is the most simple, inexpensive, and widely used type of blood pressure monitors. The device consists of a cuff, a bulb, a pressure gauge, and a stethoscope. Air inflation is performed manually. Indicators of such a device are quite accurate. However, the correctness of the result depends on the good hearing of the measurer.


An improved model of an aneroid blood pressure kit. This device consists of a cuff, a bulb, and a display which shows both blood pressure and heart rate. Air inflation into the cuff is done manually, but air release and measurements are performed automatically by the device. They are powered by a mains adapter or batteries.


The measurement using this type of blood pressure monitor is done automatically. It consists of a cuff and a display. The cuff inflates and releases air automatically just by pressing the button. This type of blood pressure monitor can not only measure blood pressure and heart rate but also store the results into the internal memory of the device. Therefore, you can compare your previous measurements. Importantly, it is convenient for self-measurement. This type of blood pressure monitor is the most technologically advanced: it has internal memory, some models have an arrhythmia indicator, and some can even give voice instructions and results for people with impaired vision.

Automatic blood pressure monitors, in turn, are divided into upper arm and wrist ones. Thus, the former is applied just above the elbow bend and the latter directly on the wrist. This type of device is an excellent solution for those who often travel or do sports, as it is compact and has a universal cuff.

Tips to measure your blood pressure correctly

Here are the ways to carry out a measurement properly:

  • Be seated with your feet flat on the floor, and don’t cross your legs;
  • Sit still and don’t talk. The back should be flat, lean on something;
  • Place palm upside in front of you on a flat surface such as a desk or table;
  • The middle of the cuff should be at the level of the heart.

The results of the measurement will be shown on the display:

Systolic pressure is the maximum value. At the moment when the heart contracts, the blood is pushed into the arteries and reaches its maximum value. The average normal value is 120.

Diastolic pressure is the minimum value. The phase of relaxation of the heart muscle, when the pressure reaches its minimum. The average normal value is 80.

Pulse rate. The normal pulse rate ranges from 60 to 80 beats per minute.

However, indicators depend on many factors, for instance, blood density, various diseases, or climatic conditions. They are very individual. Therefore, for interpretation of results and diagnosis contact a doctor.