To help people find what they need and simplify their choice, every B.Well product has its special line. For medical devices there are three lines: PRO, MED and TECHNO. For orthopedic products four: PRO, MED, ORTHO and CARE. Each line is highlighted with a separate color and symbol. Let's find out what they mean.
Medical Device Lines
PRO medical devices are easy to use, intended for prophylaxis, treatment and control of your family health. PRO products are professional and high-quality, designed for preventive health care.
MED lines comprises devices with advanced functions which apply up-to-date diagnostic methods, prophylaxis and treatment. Also they conduct health monitoring for your family and care about them.
TECHNO devices have the advantages of state of the art technologies. That is why they are highly efficient devices that offer breakthrough opportunities enabling you to care for every member of your family.
Orthopedic Product Lines
PRO line is professional prevention. The orthopedic products of this line are created to prevent diseases and maintain the health of your loved ones.
MED line products provide the innovative way of treatment. It presents the goods designed to prevent disease recurrence and ensure a healthy and active lifestyle. MED line is developed taking into consideration the needs of all family members: children, adults, and elderly people.
CARE line is all about necessary care for wellbeing. Products of this line help to avoid complications during pregnancy and before and after surgeries.
ORTHO line is recommended for people with locomotion system pains. Products of this line help ensure the safety of the activity and mobility for the elderly and people with special diseases.
Each package of B.Well medical and orthopedic product has a description of the lines on it. You will always know the device of which line you are buying. Save this memo and be healthy with B.Well!